Barber Builders online course offers an online curriculum with extensive barbering content, including haircut tutorials, industry tips and tricks, and exclusive insights from Jason Barber and Educator team.
Most Talented Award
The curriculum includes videos that showcase the essential tools of the trade and review techniques suitable for both beginners and experienced barbers.
Beyond the basics of clippers, the Barber Builder Academy offers insights into the barber lifestyle, effective marketing strategies, and tips for retaining clients. This academy embodies the BBA’s passion for the craft and dedication to sharing industry knowledge from his unique perspective.
Join Today And Get Instant Access To...
State Board
Texas State Barber Practical Exam Prep
15 Lessons
$97 / 3 months
Haircut Techniques
Texas State Barber Practical Exam Prep
15 Lessons
$97 3 months
Exam Kit
Texas Barber and Cosmetology Exam Kits
04 Lessons
$27 / 3 months
Haircut Techniques
Texas Barber and Cosmetology Exam Kits
04 Lessons
$27 / 3 months
Instructor's Certificate
Beauty Industry Educator Training
30 Lessons
$97 One time purchase
Haircut Techniques
Beauty Industry Educator Training
30 Lessons
$97 One time purchase
How to Open a School , Shop or Salon for dummies
35 Lessons
$197 One time purchase
Haircut Techniques
How to Open a School , Shop or Salon for dummies
35 Lessons
$97 One time purchase
Haircut Techniques
The Winning Method
30 Lessons
$97 One time purchase
Haircut Techniques
The Winning Method
30 Lessons
$97 One time purchase